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Determining the real economic impact of cyber-incidents: A mission (almost) impossible

Today ENISA publishes a systematic review of studies on the economic impact of cyber-security incidents on critical information infrastructures (CII).

COINS Research School visit to ENISA

Staff and students from the Norwegian COINS Research School of Computer and Information Security, visited ENISA on July 29th.

Contribute to ENISA’s study on a Digital Single Market for NIS products and services

ENISA is conducting a study to look into the market outreach of network and information security products and services, in the context of the Digital Single Market (DSM).

Join ENISA study on cloud security and eHealth

ENISA, using its prior knowledge on cloud security, launches a study on cloud and eHealth.

Securing Smart Cars – Join ENISA study and workshop

ENISA is currently performing a study on cyber security measures for smart cars and earlier this year launched the ENISA CaRSEC (Cars and Roads SECurity) expert group.


ENISA welcomed the Managing Director, Mr Anjos Nijk, and the Director of Consulting Services, Mr. Michael John, of the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) on Wednesday 6th of July, at its premises in Athens.

Getting ready for the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM)

ENISA together with the European Commission and its partners are preparing for this year’s cyber security month running across the EU during October, focusing each week on a different topic.

ENISA activities in support of Trust Services

Today, on July 1st 2016 eIDAS* rules for trust services, enter into force.

ENISA discusses cyber challenges of the digital transformation

ENISA was at the Connected Citizens’ Summit today, June 21st, in Amsterdam with key figures from the public and private sphere, discussing on the digital transformation from smart cities, cybersecurity, and energy efficiency to e-health.

Discussing the impact of cybersecurity in DSM and EU growth

The impact of cybersecurity in the Digital Single Market (DSM) and an EU perspective on economic growth was presented by ENISA Head of Stakeholder Relations and Administration, Dr Paulo Empadinhas, during the 2016 European Security Conference…