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ENISA at EIF meeting on Trust & Cybersecurity

ENISA's Head of Stakeholder Relations and Administration Paulo Empadinhas, was at the EIF meeting on ‘Trust & Cyber-security’ on May 24th 2016 in Brussels, presenting public authorities' support for trust in the information society and cyber…

ENISA Cloud Security and Resilience experts meet in Dublin

The ENISA Cloud Security and Resilience experts group met on May 24th, at the Google premises in Dublin.

National coordinators meet to prepare for ECSM launch

National coordinators from across Europe gathered in Brussels earlier this month in preparation for the launch of this year’s European Cyber Security Month.

ENISA- Europol issue joint statement

ENISA and Europol issue joint statement on lawful criminal investigation that respects 21st Century data protection.

Udo Helmbrecht speech at Europol-EIPA event

ENISA participated at the Privacy in the Digital Age of Encryption & Anonymity Online conference by Europol-EIPA, taking place at The Hague on the 19th and 20th May.

ENISA recommendations for qualified website authentication certificates

ENISA's new report provides a collection of strategies and actions aimed to promote transparency of the European website authentication market by introducing qualified website authentication certificates in Europe.

SecureCloud 2016 count down - Latest updates

Only two weeks remain until Secure Cloud 2016 will take place in Dublin, the heart of "clouds".

2nd informal meeting of CSIRT Network organised by ENISA

Fifty-six persons representing CSIRTs from twenty-six Member States, CERT-EU, the European Commission and ENISA, gathered on the 10th May 2016 for the second informal meeting of the CSIRTs Network