
Featured publications

ENISA Threat Landscape 2024

Seven prime cybersecurity threats were identified in 2024, with threats against availability topping the chart and followed by ransomware and threats against data, and the report provides a relevant deep-dive on each one of them by analysing…

Foresight Cybersecurity Threats For 2030 - Update 2024: Executive Summary

This is the executive summary of the second iteration of The “ENISA Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030” study that represents a comprehensive analysis and assessment of emerging cybersecurity threats projected for the year 2030. The report…

Best Practices for Cyber Crisis Management

This study highlights the complexities behind the notion of cyber crisis and the degree of subjectivity it involves. The elevation of a large-scale cyber incident into a cyber crisis relies predominantly on a political decision, and depends…

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Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Challenges

This report presents the Agency's active mapping of the AI cybersecurity ecosystem and its Threat Landscape, realised with the support of the Ad-Hoc Working Group on Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity. The ENISA AI Threat Landscape not only lays…

ENISA Threat Landscape for 5G Networks Report

This report is an update of the ENISA 5G Threat Landscape, published in its first edition in 2019. This document is a major update of the previous edition. It encompasses all novelties introduced, it captures developments in the 5G architecture and…

NIS Investments Report 2020

Four years after the NIS Directive entered into force and two years after the transposition by Member States into their national laws, this report presents the findings of a survey of 251 organisations across five EU Member States (France, Germany,…

How to set up CSIRT and SOC

This publication provides results-driven guidance for those who are interested in establishing a computer security incident response team (CSIRT) or security operations centre (SOC), and guidance on possible improvements for different types of…

Sectoral CSIRT Capabilities - Energy and Air Transport

This study provides a continuation of work on Sectoral IRC at European level following the publication of the 2019 “EU Member States incident response development status report”. The report focuses on trends in Energy and Air Transport Incident…

National Capabilities Assessment Framework

This report presents the work performed by ENISA to build a National Capabilities Assessment Framework (NCAF). The framework aims at providing Member States with a self-assessment of their level of maturity by assessing their NCSS objectives,…

Telecom Security During a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic not only highlighted the importance of electronic communication networks and services for the EU’s society and economy, but it also triggered major changes and challenges in their use in the EU and worldwide. In this paper, we…

Cybersecurity Stocktaking in the CAM

In this document, the CAM ecosystem and insights involving stakeholder interactions, critical services and infrastructures, standards, as well as security measures are described. The insights gained from the survey, interviews, and desk research…

Railway Cybersecurity

This ENISA study regards the level of implementation of cybersecurity measures in the railway sector, within the context of the enforcement of the NIS Directive in each European Member State. It presents a thorough list of essential railway…

Guidelines for Securing the Internet of Things

This ENISA study defines guidelines for securing the supply chain for IoT. ENISA with the input of IoT experts created security guidelines for the whole lifespan: from requirements and design, to end use delivery and maintenance, as well as…