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Security is key for BYOD

Whether it’s a laptop, tablet or smartphone, more and more of us are choosing to “bring your own device” (BYOD) to carry out tasks in the workplace, or perform work activities from home or other locations. The trend, also known as consumerization…

Commission adopts roadmap for reform of EU-Agencies

The Commission has just adopted a roadmap for improved efficiency and accountability, greater coherence and transparency, and more balanced governance of the EU's decentralised agencies. The document puts flesh on the bones of the 'Common Approach…

New report on Smart Grids cyber security measures; a risk-based approach is key to secure implementation, according to EU Agency ENISA

The EU’s cyber security agency ENISA has investigated the challenges for baseline smart grids protection in Europe. This new report assists smart grid providers to improve their cyber security and resilience of their infrastructures, with a set of…

Just published: Summarising report of successful first pilot European Cyber Security Month

The report provides a synthesis of the results of the successful European Cyber Security Month (ECSM). This was the first, pilot project which took place across Europe throughout last October 2012, and a point of the EU-USA Summit's Working Group…

Report looks at improving emergency communications

Communications technology is an essential for emergency services to respond to crisis situations. The way that organisations communicate, both internally, and externally with other emergency responders, can make the difference between a serious…

In focus: Status report 2012 on Computer Emergency Response Teams baseline capabilities launched by EU Agency ENISA

The EU’s cyber security agency ENISA has launched two new reports: 1. The Status Report 2012 for CERTs which provides a state-of-play overview of national/governmental CERTs’ capabilities (n/g CERTs) and concludes that the key challenge is the…

Watch the new video clip on Cyber Europe 2012

Training to better manage cyber-attacks.

Successful collaborative cyber security awareness raising - Large Scale Pilot for EU SME business & citizens;two new reports launched by EU Agency ENISA on the European Information Sharing and Alert System (EISAS)

The EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA has run a Large Scale Pilot project for the European Information Sharing and Alerting System – EISAS to better prepare EU business and citizens facing cyber threats. The EISAS Large Scale Pilot Report, details…

Final report of the 7th CERT workshop, this year jointly arranged by ENISA-Europol on fighting cybercrime

The Agency has launched the public report on the ENISA -Europol jointly organised 7th annual CERT Workshop, Part II. This workshop was as a follow up event to the successful 6th Annual CERT workshop held last year in Prague, in the Czech Republic…