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Cyber Europe 2012 – first results show success

ENISA’s initial findings from Europe’s biggest ever cyber security test show that the exercise was a success.

Europe joins forces in Cyber Europe 2012

Today, more than 300 cyber security professionals across Europe join forces to counter a massive simulated cyber-attack in the 2nd pan-European Cyber Exercise, Cyber Europe 2012.

The first European Cyber Security Month starts today across Europe; “Be Aware, Be Secure”

For the first time, a European Cyber Security Month takes places as a pilot project across Europe.

ENISA stays on Crete - confirmed

ENISA’s Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht was today (27th Sept. 2012) able to confirm that the Agency’s seat will remain on Crete.

ENISA’s Executive Director Professor Udo Helmbrecht has been appointed Chairman of AISEC

In a unanimous vote, the Board of Trustees of Germany’s Fraunhofer Research Institution for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC) has appointed Executive Director of ENISA Professor Udo Helmbrecht as their Chairman for a three year term.

ENISA roundtable event in the European Parliament, Brussels

ENISA is at ‘crossroads of its history’, with the new regulation proposal pending, establishing the budget, and future work for the Agency.

EU-US workshop agenda - now online

The first joint EU-US Open Workshop on Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Smart Grids will be held on October 15th, 2012 in Amsterdam, supported by ENISA.

ENISA launches upgraded, revamped website with new social media channels

The EU’s ‘cyber security’ Agency, ENISA (the European Network and Information Security Agency), is launching its new upgraded website, including new social media channels, on Wednesday, 19 September 2012.

ENISA seeks input on Network Information Security (NIS) in Education

ENISA is calling on teachers, trainers and educators to get involved in sharing their experiences about NIS in education.

ENISA has held the first meeting of its new Permanent Stakeholders’ Group on Thursday, 13 September 2012

The Permanent Stakeholders’ Group (PSG) consisting of 30 top IT-security experts, has been appointed following an open Call for Expression of Interest for Membership earlier this year.