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ENISA publishes Work Programme 2013

ENISA's Work Programme for 2013 has now been published. The programme is the result of a consultation process involving both the ENISA Permanent Stakeholder Group (PSG) and Management Board (MB). This process has enabled the Agency to increase…

“Cooperation is key for Europe’s cyber security” – Conclusion of ENISA Brussels event (27/11)

A high-level event organised by Europe’s cyber security agency, ENISA recognised closer cyber cooperation and mutual support as key factors for boosting cyber security for Europe’s citizens, governments and businesses.

ENISA CERT Exercises and training material updated and extended

The Agency has launched an updated and expanded, comprehensive set of CERTs exercises consisting of a Handbook for teachers, a Toolset for students, and supporting material for hands-on training.

Cyber security according to Winnie the Pooh: new report by EU Agency ENISA on ‘digital trap’ honeypots to detect cyber-attacks creates a buzz

The EU ‘cyber security’ Agency ENISA is launching an in-depth study on 30 different ‘digital traps’ or honeypots that can be used by Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT)s and National/Government CERTs to proactively detect cyber-attacks. The…

New report by EU Agency ENISA, focussing on technical aspects of “the right to be forgotten”

“The right to be forgotten” is one of the elements of the new proposed regulation (January 2012) on data protection of the European Commission. The right allows people to ask for digitally held personal information to be deleted.

New report on Supply Chain Integrity launched

Supply chain integrity (SCI) in the ICT industry is a topic that is receiving attention from both the public and private sectors (i.e. vendors, infrastructure owners, operators, etc.) as part of a wider review of supply chain control, and the…

Is e-data the new currency? New ENISA report looks at privacy and tracking

Internet users are increasingly tracked and profiled, with personal data being treated as currency in exchange for services. A gap exists between the legal requirements for personal data protection and the practice in the online environment.

MEP Jutta Haug visits ENISA

MEP Jutta Haug has visited ENISA’s seat in Heraklion, Greece to learn more about the Agency’s work and future plans.

New ENISA Inventory of CERT (Computer Emergency Response Teams) “digital fire brigades” plus interactive map

ENISA has published a new interactive CERTs map and Inventory of CERT’s activities in Europe containing publicly listed teams and co-operation, support and standardisation activities.

The Anatomy of National and International Cyber Security Exercises; new report by the EU cyber-security Agency ENISA

In its new report, the EU’s ’cyber-security agency’ ENISA (the European Network and Information Security Agency) examines 85 national and international cyber-exercises between 2002 and 2012. The report issues seven recommendations.