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CERT success

ENISA held its 7th Annual CERT Workshop on 14th and 15th June in Valletta, Malta. The event focused on providing hands-on training for the European Union’s national and governmental Computer Emergency Response Teams – CERTs.

ENISA at EuroDIG 2012-Stockholm

ENISA thanks cyber citizens

A big thank you to everyone who has sent us their photograph to be part of European Cyber Security Month! We’ve received pictures from hundreds of people.

Exercises boost cooperation

ENISA organised two small-scale cyber security exercises on 30th May and 6th June. The exercises were held to familiarise participants with cross-border cooperation procedures and mechanisms for dealing with large-scale cyber crises in Europe.

The threat from Flamer

ENISA has published a short analysis of the threat from the Flamer spying virus. Flamer reminds us of the weaknesses in our cyber defences and underlines why ENISA's work on cyber security is so important.

Agency Budget 2010 'green light'; discharge by the EP

The ENISA Budget 2010 was recently given discharge by the European Parliament.

New paper on cyber security strategies

In a constantly changing cyber environment, EU Member States need to have flexible and dynamic cyber security strategies to meet new, global threats.

The Commission changes: from DG INFSO to “DG Connect”

The Commission yesterday, 25/04, announced that they will change to face the future: and launch “DG Connect”.