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ENISA will participate in the ISSE 2012

This year’s ISSE shall take place in Brussels on 23-24 of October, and ENISA shall be participating actively in several sessions, disseminating the achievements of the Agency in the areas of Security Management, Cloud Computing security and…

ENISA calls for a joint effort between end-users and service providers to protect our online identity

In the cyber world our identity is reflected by our usernames and passwords. For users, keeping their passwords safe is vital to avoid security incidents such as identity theft. But online service providers (who store usernames and passwords) are…

Visit by the European Ombudsman

ENISA was pleased today, (19th, July) to host a visit from the European Ombudsman, as part of his series of “own-initiative” visits to all European Union Agencies.

Visit to ENISA from the European Parliament’s ITRE Committee

ENISA’s Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht and the management team hosted a delegation from the European Parliament’s Committee for Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) today, Wednesday, 18th July, 2012.

Agency works with Crete

Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht, met Regional Governor of Crete, Stavros Arnaoutakis to discuss further cooperation between ENISA and the Region.

European Cyber Security Month -ECSM-material now available online

ENISA has developed a series of free material to support the EU Member States in their preparations for the European Cyber Security Month.

Joint EU-US Open Workshop on Cyber Security of ICS & Smart Grids

On 15th, October, the joint EU-US Open Workshop on Cyber Security of ICS & Smart Grids will take place in the Netherlands.

New ENISA study: 10 recommendations for making European smart grids safer

New ENISA report on how to make smart grids and their roll out a success, for more efficient and safer energy consumption.

Cyprus' EU-Presidency Work Programme & ENISA

The Cypriot EU-Presidency started on 1st of July, and mentions ENISA in its Work Programme, at

Launch of European Cyber Security Month logo

Launch of European Cyber Security Month logo