
EU-US Open Workshop on Cyber Security of ICS and Smart Grids

The EU-US Open Workshop on Cyber Security of ICS and Smart Grids will gather the most relevant EU and US companies and public authorities to exchange information on policies and best practices, as well as to discuss and launch concrete cooperation actions in selected priority areas.

Oct 15, 2012 from 09:30 AM to 05:30 PM
De L’Europe, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 2-14, 1012 CP Amsterdam
EU and US relevant public authorities and private stakeholders.
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Bringing EU and US relevant communities together to share experiences and information on how to strengthen cyber security of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and smart grid, and exploring areas for specific further cooperation. The workshop should particularly investigate benefits from transatlantic collaboration.

Structure and Agenda

Workshop date: 15th October. A detailed agenda and the presentation as well are available here.

Expected Results

  • A mutual better understanding of cyber security concerns and preparedness related to ICS and smart grids in EU and US and the road ahead
  • Detecting avenues for further cooperation on specific
    areas as ICS-CERT capabilities, education and training, research, information sharing, learning from respective experiences on relevant regulation, etc.


EU and US relevant public authorities and private stakeholders. You can find a list of participants here.


The EU-US Working Group on Cybersecurity and Cyber Crime (EU-US WG) was established in the context of the EU-US Summit of 20 November 2010 held in Lisbon to “tackle new threats to the global networks upon which the security and prosperity of our free societies increasingly depend”. The EU-US WG will “address a number of specific priority areas and will report progress within a year”.   

ICS and the smart grids are two of these priority areas identified by the EU-US WG. In the last decade, these systems have been facing a notable number of incidents, including the manifestation of Stuxnet which raised a lot of concerns and discussions among all the actors involved in the field. These incidents have demonstrated that a coherent and increased effort to improve the cyber security for ICS and smart grids requires the participation of both public (government) and private (industry) actors in order to develop an effective solution.

European Commission and the US Department of Homeland Security, supported by ENISA and Member States have been developing in 2012 the Strategy and Action Plan on Cyber Security of Industrial Control systems and Smart Grids, that considers the initiative of a EU-US Workshop on Cyber Security of ICS and Smart Grids that aims to:

  • exchange information on policies and best practices between both sides of the Atlantic.
  • get a better knowledge of the state of play regarding cyber security of ICS and smart grids in EU and US.





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