Seven prime cybersecurity threats were identified in 2024, with threats against availability topping the chart and followed by ransomware and threats against data, and the report provides a relevant deep-dive on each one of them by analysing…
Featured publications
Foresight Cybersecurity Threats For 2030 - Update 2024: Executive Summary
This is the executive summary of the second iteration of The “ENISA Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030” study that represents a comprehensive analysis and assessment of emerging cybersecurity threats projected for the year 2030. The report…
Best Practices for Cyber Crisis Management
This study highlights the complexities behind the notion of cyber crisis and the degree of subjectivity it involves. The elevation of a large-scale cyber incident into a cyber crisis relies predominantly on a political decision, and depends…
All publications
Baseline Capabilities of n/g CERTs - Updated Recommendations 2012
This document lists updated set of recommendations on gaps and shortcomings identified in the Status Report 2012. The number of gaps and shortcomings that still need to be addresssed in order for n/g CERTs to fully meet their baseline capabilities…
Deployment of Baseline Capabilities of n/g CERTs - Status Report 2012
This document will familiarise the reader with the current situation in Europe with regards to the n/g CERTs' capabilities, and how these capabilities are deployed.
EISAS Large-Scale Pilot - Collaborative Awareness Raising for EU Citizens & SMEs
To continually raise the level of cyber security awareness of all citizens and businesses, the European Commission decided to promote a collaborative approach for awareness raising in Europe. Introduced in 2006, EISAS, the European Information…
Introduction to Return on Security Investment
As for any organization, CERTs need to measure their cost-effectiveness, to justify their budget usage and provide supportive arguments for their next budget claim. But organizations often have difficulties to accurately measure the effectiveness…
Report on 7th ENISA CERT Workshop
ENISA and Europol organised jointly the 7th annual CERT Workshop, Part II, as a follow up event to the very successful 6th Annual CERT workshop1 held last year in Prague, Czech Republic. This year the workshop was held at the Europol premises in The…
Report on Annual Privacy Forum 2012
The first Annual Privacy Forum1 (APF’12) was held in Limassol, Cyprus from 10–11 October 2012.
The Forum was co-organised by the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)2
and the European Commission Directorate General for…
Collaborative Solutions For Network Information Security in Education
This report, ‘Collaborative Solutions For Network Information Security in Education’, is a continuation of the work undertaken in 2011 which resulted in the publication of the report ‘Network Information Security in Education: Consolidated ENISA…
Roadmap to provide more proactive and efficient CERT training
The roadmap identifies 10 proposals on how ENISA could improve CERT training and exercises in Europe. The ideas in the document are valuable, as they reflect the actual community needs and requirements and there could be mutual benefit from both…
EU Cyber Cooperation-The Digital Frontline
We all share a common interest in guaranteeing a free, safe and sound life in cyberspace. ENISA
firmly believes EU cyber cooperation is crucial to establishing a proficient and coherent approach
to Network and Information Security (NIS). This…
Involving Intermediaries in Cyber-security Awareness Raising
This document summarises the work carried out to involve intermediaries in cyber-security awareness raising by the European Commission and the European Network and Information Security Agency in cooperation with the United States Department of…