
Featured publications

ENISA Threat Landscape 2024

Seven prime cybersecurity threats were identified in 2024, with threats against availability topping the chart and followed by ransomware and threats against data, and the report provides a relevant deep-dive on each one of them by analysing…

Foresight Cybersecurity Threats For 2030 - Update 2024: Executive Summary

This is the executive summary of the second iteration of The “ENISA Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030” study that represents a comprehensive analysis and assessment of emerging cybersecurity threats projected for the year 2030. The report…

Best Practices for Cyber Crisis Management

This study highlights the complexities behind the notion of cyber crisis and the degree of subjectivity it involves. The elevation of a large-scale cyber incident into a cyber crisis relies predominantly on a political decision, and depends…

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Good Practice Guide on Cooperative Models for Effective PPPs

This Good Practice Guide on Cooperative Models for Effective Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) classifies PPPs for security and resilience and reveals the main five components addressing Why, Who, How, What and When questions associated with…

Desktop Reserach on Public Private Partnerships

In many Member States public and private organizations co-operate through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in order to address CIIP. There is no common definition of what constitutes a PPP. Diversity is valuable yet there also exists a need for…

Cyber-bullying and online grooming: helping to protect against the risks

Children are the most valuable part of every society, regardless of culture, religion and national origin. Given the rapidly increasing digitalisation of their lives, it seemed important to assess risks related to internet usage and, in particular,…

Who is Who-Directory 2011

The ENISA Who-is-Who Directory on Network and Information Security 2011 contains information on NIS stakeholders, such as national and European authorities and NIS organisations, contact details, websites, and areas of responsibilities or activities.

EISAS Roadmap

The EISAS Roadmap provide the direction to further the development and deployment of the European Information Sharing and Alert System (EISAS). It has been produced by ENISA upon request of the EU Commission as communicated in the Communication on…

Security and Resilience in Governmental Clouds

Cloud computing offers a host of potential benefits to public bodies, including scalability, elasticity, high performance, resilience and security together with cost efficiency. Understanding and managing risks related to the adoption and…

Promoting information security as a cultural and behavioural change (EN)

This volume presents selected results achieved by ENISA in the field of awareness raising for the year 2010. This edition consists of one book containing the following publications: Online as soon as it happens, Email security, Malicious software…

Good Practice Guide on Cooperatve Models for Effective PPPs

This Good Practice Guide on Cooperative Models for Effective Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) classifies PPPs for security and resilience and reveals the main five components addressing Why, Who, How, What and When questions associated with…

Incentives and Barriers to Information Sharing

Given the acknowledged importance of information sharing, this report sets out findings from a research project into the barriers to and incentives for information sharing in the field of network and information security, in the context of peer-…

Who-is-Who Directory on NIS - Ed. 2010

The ENISA Who-is-Who Directory on Network and Information Security (NIS) contains information on NIS stakeholders (such as national and European authorities and NIS organisations), contact details, websites, and areas of responsabilities or…